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china daily双语版

时间:2024-01-03 04:31:26 来源: 浏览:0

Chia Daily Biligual Ediio

    Cover Sory: A ew Daw for Sio-US Relaios

    As he Bide admiisraio akes office, here is cauious opimism i Beijig ha he ew Whie House could rese he relaioship bewee he world's wo larges ecoomies. Poliical reporers from boh couries weigh i o he challeges ad opporuiies ahead.

    Ecoomic Updae: Chia's GDP Growh Remais Robus

    Chia's ecoomy expaded 8.1% i he firs quarer of his year, official daa showed, as he coury's robus growh momeum coiued. The figure bea marke expecaios ad provided furher evidece ha he world's secod-larges ecoomy is i rude healh.

    Sociey Wach: The Rise of Chia's Gig Workers

    As Chia's digial ecoomy booms, more ad more Chiese are opig o work as idepede coracors i he so-called gig ecoomy, offerig a ew way of life bu also posig challeges o radiioal labor laws ad social securiy sysems.

    Culure u0026 Eeraime: The Rise of Chiese Pop Music

    From TFBOYS o Cai Xuku, Chiese pop music is makig waves across he globe. Wih a growig umber of K-pop-ispired acs ad a hrivig domesic scee, he idusry is lookig o solidify is place o he world sage.

    Techology Review: AI Iovaios i Chia

    From smar healhcare o auoomous vehicles, Chia is leadig he way i arificial ielligece iovaio. Here, we delve io some of he groudbreakig work beig doe i Beijig, Shaghai ad Shezhe.

    Ieraioal Affairs: Xi's visio for a ew ype of ieraioal relaios

    I a ierview wih our edior-i-chief, Chiese Preside Xi Jipig oulies his visio for a ew ype of ieraioal relaios, callig for greaer cooperaio bewee aios i he face of commo global challeges.

    Eviromeal Wach: Chia's Pledge o Carbo euraliy

    Wih he Uied aios Climae Chage Coferece of he Paries (COP26) akig place i Glasgow his ovember, Chia has reieraed is commime o carbo euraliy by 2060. Here, we explore he coury's effors o rasiio o a gree ecoomy ad reduce is carbo foopri.

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