手游网 手游攻略 手游评测 牛津译林八年级下册期末模拟,牛津译林版八年级上册期末


时间:2024-08-16 18:21:16 来源:头条 浏览:0

(满分:120分,限时:100分钟) 一选择题(每题1 分,共15 分) 1. -- 岛上有很多剧院_______ -- 是的。百老汇位于岛的南端_______。 A. 在;在B. 在;在C. 说。 A. 应用B. 发音C. 简介D. 沟通3. -- “白人有香港。” --哦,真的,我以前从未去过那里。 A. 去了;去了B. 去了;去了C. 去了;去了D. 去了;去了4. 为了解决环境问题,为了保护,所有国家都应该互相________。 A. 接近B. 接近C. 接近D. 几乎5. 许多志愿者将为2022 年北京冬奥会___________。 A. 被需要B. 被需要C. 被需要D . 需要6. 友好不是__________。我们必须成为朋友。请和萨姆谈谈。 A. 够了B. 够晚了C. 太好了D. 太晚了7. -- 詹姆斯邀请你去他家参加聚会了吗-- 是的。但我不得不_________,因为我有太多的工作要做。 A. 返回B. 拒绝C. 刷新D. 回顾8. -- 吉米不喜欢他的同学鲍勃。他很大声——哦,原来如此。但我无法避开他__________。他坐在你旁边。 A. 会面B. 会面C. 会面D. 会面9. --在帮助老人之前你需要____________John_______ 一些照片吗--I 这样他以后可以保护自己。你可以拍A. 的;拍B .for; take C.of; take D.for; take 10.——马云和任正非走到哪里都引人注目——是的,他们做得非常成功。我们相信,奋斗创造历史,拼搏创造未来。 A. 得到;明亮B. 得到;明亮C. 得到;明亮D. 得到;明亮11. 我叔叔_____ 于2018 年加入俱乐部。他在俱乐部工作已有两年多了。答:我已经加入了。 B、我已经加入了。我已经加入了。 C、我已经加入了。 D、我已经加入了。我是会员。 12. 她的祖父_______ 在2007 年买了一辆汽车。他买了这辆车____________ 13 年。 A. 买了;买了B. 买了;曾经C. 买过;曾经D. 买过;买过13. ________ 他来到武汉,钟医生不知道这个问题有多严重A. 因为B. 直到C . 直到D. 自14 日起。 -- 我现在必须把书还给你-- ,你_________。明天很好。 A. 不;你不需要B. 不;你必须C. 是;你必须15. 俗话说“__________”。如果你继续练习说英语,你会说得更好。 A.熟能生巧。

B. 燃烧蜡烛的两端

C. 不会下雨,但会倾盆大雨。

D. 多人参与的轻工作II完形填空(每题1分,共10分) 三十年前,我走进一家面包店买蛋糕在街上卖。当时我12岁。一位善良的女士为我服务。 “那天,她没拿钱就给了我20个。16没拿钱,祝你好运。我拿着蛋糕去卖,花了我一整天的时间。18我全卖了。而且,我赚了一点钱。” ……我感觉我就是这样。”那天晚上,当我走回家时,世界上多了一个19 岁的男孩。第二天,我去自行车店付了押金,买了一辆20年的新自行车。然后,他开始担任送报员。我一满21 岁,剩下的自行车钱和自行车就都是我的了。我为自己感到骄傲~现在,我22岁,从事外卖行业。我有一辆卡车可以把东西送到全国各地。我住在一栋漂亮的房子里,但最近我没有骑自行车。我开一辆漂亮的大车。我不知道这位23 岁的人是谁,但她激励我走向24 岁。我想展现我25岁的样子。 16. A. 鸡蛋B. 苹果C. 蛋糕D. 花17. A. 询问B. 希望C. 说D. 告诉18. A. 但是B. 如果C. 为D. 或19. A. 不幸B. 懒惰C.快乐D. 聪明20. A. 汽车B. 卡车C. 公共汽车D. 自行车21. A. 使用B. 支付C. 成本D. 拿走22. A. 仍然B. 甚至C. 直到现在D .还23. A. 男孩B. 男人C. 女士D. 孩子24. A. 成功B. 不好C. 好D. 不好25. A. 抱歉B. 谢谢C. 后悔D. 爱. 阅读理解(每题2 题,共30 题)分钟)









英语toku pishin









英语、 法语比斯拉马语





尝试ping 玛娜岛。

26. 你首先在哪个国家开始新的一天? A. 巴布亚新几内亚B. 汤加王国C. 瓦努阿图共和国D. 斐济27. 人们去斐济度假主要是因为_____________。值得一看的东西B. 海底邮局令人兴奋C. 我想住在皇宫D. 这是最大的太平洋岛国28. 四个太平洋岛国都说什么语言? A. Tok Pishin。 B. 法语C. 比伊斯兰语D. 英语29. 课文的目的是什么? A. 寻求帮助B. 介绍语言C. 回答问题D. 提供假期选择

B 你的家庭作业中有很多阅读作业吗?你可能想加快你的冷读速度。有人说你可以学会超快阅读。不过,专家们并不认同这个想法。南佛罗里达大学科学家伊丽莎白·肖特表示,那些自称可以教别人快速阅读的人通常是通过出售课程或课程来赚钱。事实上,快速阅读早在1959年就已存在,当时美国教育家伊芙琳·伍德推出了快速阅读计划。多位美国总统要求其高管参加速读课程。但快速阅读背后并没有真正的科学依据。肖特解释说,阅读是一项很难完成的任务。这涉及四个步骤:查看一个单词,从记忆中检索其含义,将其与同一句子中的其他单词连接起来,然后转到下一个单词:一次读取大脑的许多部分。你无法加快速度。有些人说自己可以快速阅读,那只是略读而已。略读是快速阅读文本并寻找特定的单词或句子。撇渣器可以理解:你可以理解一篇文章的主要思想,尤其是熟悉的话题,但你不可能记住每一条信息。那么,有没有一种方法可以让阅读速度更快呢?提高字数并阅读更多内容。 30. 根据Schotter 的说法,以下哪一项是正确的A. 学生快速阅读有好处。 B.速读课程有真实科学支撑。 C. 阅读涉及四个步骤,不容易完成D. 速读课程和书籍对我们有帮助31. 我们可以从第5 段中学到什么? A. 浏览器提供了所有信息,永远不要忘记B. 浏览时,你必须仔细阅读该段落。 C. 略读侧重于段落中的每个单词或句子。 D. 通过略读,略读者可能会找到一段文章的中心思想。 32. 根据这篇文章,如何阅读得更快A. 多记单词,多读B. 参加快速阅读课程会有帮助C. 多读一些有关快速阅读的书籍D. 学单词超级快确认

C Katie Stellar 有自己的沙龙。她经常拿着红色椅子和剪刀在城里走来走去,提供免费理发服务。爱德华是她的第一个幸运顾客。他看起来60 多岁。他秃顶,还缺了几颗牙齿。 “当他剪掉自己的白发时,他告诉她,他想离他成年的孩子更近一些。到目前为止,Stellar 先生已经建议了大约30 次这样的发型。这些人都过着艰难的生活,她认识到自己的力量。清洁工作。” “这不仅仅是剪头发;我还想成为结识他人的门户。我想建立关系。” Stellar 知道剪头发可以改变生活。 “当她十几岁的时候,她患了一场非常严重的疾病,头发严重稀疏。她的母亲带Stellar 女士进行了她的第一次专业理发。有人看到我并与我交谈,而不仅仅是疾病,这对她很有帮助“我。”“这让我感到被关心,感觉不那么孤单了,”她说。从那以后,Stellar 想拥有自己的沙龙,这样她就可以按照她当天的感受帮助人们。 2019年,她启动了红椅项目。她说。“免费理发可能无法解决他们的问题,但也许我可以让他们感到不那么孤独。”我们启动了“恒星善良项目”,人们在其中做出善举(志愿参与暴风雪救援)。帮助有需要的邻居)受邀到恒星沙龙免费理发。相反,他们讲述自己的故事,Stellar 在她的网站上分享了这些故事。她希望通过阅读有关善意的行为,其他人能够传播他们的善意。 Stellar 到目前为止33. 为什么Stellar 启动红椅项目A. 帮助有需要的邻居B. 把顾客带到她的沙龙C. 帮助孤独的人减少孤独感D. 鼓励顾客传递善意。 34. 什么Stellar 第4 段中的“It’s more than a发型”是什么意思? A. 理发可以解决人们的问题B. 理发是人们最需要的C. 理发故事经常在她的网站上评论D. 理发是一个简单的过程表现出关心、价值和尊重的行为35 Katie Stellar 的最佳描述是A. 孤独而昏昏欲睡B. 善良而体贴C. 多疑而慷慨D. 严肃

s and careful.56.Which sentence best expresses the theme of the story A. Simple acts of kindness like a free haircut will spread. B.Haircuts need practice and practice makes perfect. C.It's heartbreaking to see how lonely people look. D.We can win great respect by giving free haircuts. D Going to a friend's house is very exciting. You may spend time with a friend and get to see where he or she lives. So remember to be polite. The first thing to remember is that when a friend invites you over, you need to arrive on time. If your friend tells you to come "around 3: 00", that means you can arrive a little bit after 3:00. But usually it is a good idea to arrive at the right time. Often it is also nice to bring something to your friend's house. This could be a box of chocolates for you to share, or maybe a CD that you can enjoy together. You can also bring some flowers. A little gift is 0 nice way to show your friend that you are excited to be at his or her house. When you visit your friend's house, you may also meet his or her parents. You should tell them who you are and they may tell you their names. As a child, I went to visit my friend Paul. I called his parents by their first names John and Mary. But now I know it is more polite to call them Mr. and Mrs. Smith. This will show them more respect(尊重) and then they may tell you to call them by their first names. Another way to show respect is to call them madam or sir. It is a cool thing to visit a friend's house. Be polite to your friend and your friend's parents, and you will be invited again.37.When should you arrive if you are invited to a friend's house A.Almost on time. B.An hour earlier. C.As late as possible. D.As early as possible.38.When you visit your friend's house, you'd better NOT bring as a little gift. A. a CD B. some flowers C. some money D. a box of chocolates39.What should you do when you see your friend's parents A. Keep quiet. B.Tell them your name first. C.Tell them why you are there. D.Call their names directly.40.What's the best title(标题) for this passage A.When to Arrive B.What to Bring C.How to Be a Polite Visitor D.How to Be a Polite HostⅣ.词汇(每小题1分,共15分)A.请根据句意或所给提示完成单词.41. I can learn a lot by reading some great ________ ( 作家) articles.42. At present, many families can________ ( 买得起) to buy cars.43.When we are young, all of us have a lot of __________( 美妙的) dreams.44.The garden is very beautiful,________ (特别是)when the sky is blue and the sun shines.45.Ben was helping his mother make dinner while the rain began to beat heavily____________ (touching or hitting sb./ sth.) the window.B.根据句子意思,从方框中选用恰当的单词或短语填空。 avoid, carry on, on business, cut down, similar to 46. My father will go to Nanjing _________ next week.47. When talking with others, ____________ subjects like age, weight and money.48.Mr Zhang's teaching style is that of most teachers.49. We need more money to with our work.50.We should protect the environment. Don't trees.C.用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。51. Rubbish_______ (separate) into groups in many other cities now, following the practice in Shanghai.52. Premier Zhou Enlai has been_________ (die)for many years, but he still lives in our hearts.53.Nature is our greatest treasure, so it is important for us to protect it___________ (wise).54. It is____________ (polite) to keep others waiting in many Western countries.55.It takes many years of_________ (train) to be a good basketball player.V.按要求完成句子(每小题1分,共5分) 56.He is clever to solve the problem on his own. (改为同义句) It is him to solve the problem on his own. 57. The Special Olympics take place every two years. (改为同义句) The Special Olympics ________ every two years. 58. Peter was very busy. He didn't have time to help her mother do housework. 合并为一句) Peter was ________ ___________ ___________ have time to help her mother do housework. 59. Donald Tromp has been President of the USA since 2017. (对画线部分进行提问) ________ Donald Trump been President of the USA 60. She wasn't sure where she could spend her holiday in summer.(改为同义句) She wasn't sure ________ ___________ spend her holiday in summer.Ⅵ.根据汉语意思完成句子(每小题2分,共10分)61.将来,机器人对人们的生活会产生巨大的影响。 In the future, robots will ______________________________________people's lives.62.扬州如此之美,以致许多游客不停地拍照o Yangzhou is so beautiful that many tourists______________ _______________.63.那位著名的法国作家说他已经完成了第五部科幻小说。 ___________says his fifth science fiction______________________________.64.借助于现代医学,越来越多的疾病能够被预防或治疗。 With the help of more and more diseases can_________________________65.孩子们不应该过多依靠家长,学会独立很重要。Kids shouldn't______________ their parents too much, it's to be independent.Ⅶ.阅读填空(每小题2分,共10分) 先通读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容,在文章后表格的空格内填人一个最恰当的单词。每个空格只能填一个单词。 People have been using the wind's energy for a long, long time. More than 5,000 years ago, ancient Egyptians made boats powered by the wind. In 200 B.C., people used windmills ( 风车) in China. Today, we collect the wind's energy with wind turbines (涡轮). A turbine is similar to a windmill; it is a very tall tower with two or three blades ( 叶片 ) at the top. These blades are turned by the wind. The blades turn a generator ( 发电机) located inside the tower, which creates(产生) power. Groups of wind turbines are known as wind farms. Wind farms can be found near farmland, in narrow mountain passes, and even in the ocean (海洋), where there are stronger winds. Wind farms create power for nearby homes, schools and other buildings. In places like the Midwest and along coasts, winds can provide cheap power. Another great advantage(优势) of wind power is that it is a clean form of energy. Wind turbines do not bum oil or coal and do not pollute the air. Wind is not always an ideal source of energy, however. Wind speed changes from time to time, depending on the time of day, weather and location (地点). Wind turbines can be also dangerous for bats and birds. These animals cannot always tell how fast the blades are moving and crash into them. Title: 66 Energy Ancient times ● People in Egypt made wind-powered boats 67 5,000 years ago.●People in China used windmills in 200 B.C. Modern times ● It is 68 with turbines, which are tall windmill-like towers withtwo or three blades at the top and a generator inside.● The wind tums the blades and the blades turn the generator to create power. Advantages ● Winds produce power at a low 69 in certain areas.● Wind turbines do not cause air pollution. Disadvantages ● Wind speed does not remain (保持) at the same 70 all the time.●Wind turbines can be dangerous for animals like bats and birds. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70.________.Ⅷ.短文填空(每小题1分,共10分) 根据短文内容及所给首字母提示写出所缺单词,使短文意思完整,每空一词o As I entered an international high school, all my friends felt surprised at my short hair. This is because, my old school thinks teenage y 71 aren't the time for looking pretty. Then I coloured my hair blue. For the first time, I felt free and beautiful. This international school s 72 to meet my needs. I had a t 73 education background. I went to public schools, received normal ( 常规的 ) education and was required to follow r 74 like every other student. Later, I began to wonder w 75 this education was truly suitable for me. However, in the new school my high hopes were not met. For a while, I found myself in a surprising situation as I faced before. It was s 76 the biggest challenge I faced in my education--the freedom to try new things. In the old system, I was strongly advised a 77 trying new things. But in my new school, it worked the opposite way--we had many chances to try new things. But if I f 78 , I must be responsible ( 负责任的) because I put myself in such risk. Finally, it led me to get into trouble again. As time went by, I started to find my o 79 balance. In fact, none of the education systems in the world are perfect. I am 1 80 enough to have a chance to bring great value from both systems together. As a result, I've built a system for myself.71. 72. 73. 74. 75._______76. 77. 78. 79. 80._______Ⅸ.书面表达(共15分) 在八年级结束之际,八(5)班将举行一次主题班会, 要求同学们谈谈一年来自己的收获与变化。请为Peter 准备一份演讲稿,具体内容如下: 过去 现在 学习 沉迷于电脑游戏 热爱阅读…… 环保 随处乱扔垃圾 意识到环保的重要性…… 礼仪 大声喧哗…… 举止礼貌,主动让座 爱心 不懂得如何尊老爱幼 为贫困地区儿童募集书本 展望未来 …… 要求:1.表达清楚,语法正确,上下文连贯; 2.必须包含以上所有要点,并适当发挥; 3.词数100左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计人总词数); 4.不得使用真实姓名和校名等。 Hello, everyone. I'm Peter from Class 5, Grade 8.Back to the life in the last year, I think I have changed a lot and made great progress in many ways._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Thanks for listening.答案:I .1.D 2.D 3.B 4.B 5.A 6.D 7.B 8.C 9.D 10.Cll.A 12.B 13.C 14.A 15.AII.16.C 17.B 18.A 19. C 20.D 21.B 22.D 23.C 24.A 25.BⅢ.A 26.B 27.A 28.D 29.DB 30.C 31.D 32.AC 33. C 34.D 35.B 36.AD 37.A 38.C 39.B 40.CⅣ.A.41.writers' 42.afford 43.fantastic 44. espcially 45.againstB.46.on business 47. avoid 48. similar to 49.carry on 50.curd ownC.51.is separated 52.dead 53.wisely 54. impolite 55.trainingV.56. clever of 57. are held 58. too busy to 59. How long has 60.where toVI.61.make a big difference to62.can't stop taking photos63.The famous French writer;has already finished64.modem medicine; be prevented or cured65.depend on: important to learn 66.Wind's 67.over 68. collected 69.cost 70.level 71.years 72. seemed 73. traditional 74.roles 75. whether76. still 77. against 78.fail 79.own 80.luckyIX .One possible version: Hello, everyone. I'm Peter from Class 5, Grade 8. Back to the life in the last year, I think I have changed a lot and made great progress in many ways.First, I used to spend most of my time playing computer games. Now I find it interesting to do some reading because good books help me relax after a busy day. Second, I always dropped litter casually in the park. But now I have realized the importance of protecting the environment. I always throw the litter into the rubbish bins. Third, I sometimes shouted loudly or pushed in before others in public places. Now I can behave politely in public and I often give my seat to someone in need on' the bus. Fourth, I didn't know how to care about the elderly or the young in the past. But now I offer to help the elderly in need. I have collected a lot of books for the children in poor areas. I hope to do some charity work to help more people in need. I'm sure I will do better and better in Grade 9. Thanks for listening.
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